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R410a refrigerant phase out - when and why?

Why is R410A Refrigerant Being Phased Out and When?

The air conditioning industry is undergoing a significant shift as the phase-out of R410A refrigerant gains momentum. This move is driven by environmental concerns, particularly the high Global Warming Potential (GWP) of R410A.

With a GWP of 2,088, R410A significantly contributes to greenhouse gas emissions, making its phase-out a crucial step in combating climate change.

The primary reason for phasing out R410A is its environmental impact. As a hydrofluorocarbon (HFC), R410A plays a significant role in global warming. The Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol mandates the reduction of HFCs to mitigate their harmful effects on the environment. By transitioning to refrigerants with lower GWP, the industry aims to reduce its carbon footprint and promote sustainability.

When is the Phase-Out Happening?

The timeline for phasing out equipment using R410A varies by region, but significant milestones include:

  • 2024: Restrictions on the production and importation of R410A begin in the United States.

  • 2025: A full phase-out in the UK and Europe from the 1st January 2025, with a shift towards lower-GWP alternatives such as R32 and R454B.

  • R410a as a refrigerant will still be available in the short term, to service existing R410a equipment.

These changes underscore the industry’s commitment to environmental responsibility and innovation. For consumers, this transition means considering eco-friendly refrigerant options when upgrading their HVAC systems. Embracing these greener alternatives is a step towards a more sustainable future.

We are pleased to advise that Hertfordshire Air Conditioning has only installed equipment using R32 for over 3 years now and we do not anticipate the phase-out will directly impact our clients.

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